Friday, November 30, 2012


When I got up on day three, I tore off my night gown and raced to the bathroom to weigh myself! Surely after all the sacrifice I had made over the last two days, I would be rewarded with a substantial weight loss!

Well, this is real life, so if you guessed that the scale looked the same, you would be correct. I quickly re-dressed (baby, it's cold up here!) and trudged out to the kitchen. I grabbed my coffee, and sat down to plan my day, food wise.

Since Hubby was off with his friends, I had the morning alone. I made up cheerios, skim milk and a banana for breakfast, and then planned the rest of the day.

That was when I started to have a dialog with myself about successful weight loss, and being conscience  of having reasonable expectations so that I didn't make myself feel bad.

I am my own worst enemy with my eating. In fact, even when I reached my goal weight three years ago, I did not have the right attitude. I told myself things like "Yeah, you did it now, but you'll gain it all back!"

Self talk is so important. Good positive self talk. So this time I am trying to be aware of how I'm feeling and what I am thinking throughout my day.

And one things for sure. It won't come off overnight!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 2

I woke this morning with a renewed purpose. I had made it through day one, back on WW, so today I wanted to start right out planning the points I was going to consume.

I started out with one egg for 2 points. It's so important to get good protein on board early in the day. What else, what else? Grits. I love grits and 1/4 cup has just 1 point. I had a slice of whole grain light toast with 1/2 tsp jelly for 1 points, and a grapefruit. The total for my breakfast meal, 4 points.

During the late morning, I panicked! What to make for lunch? I got out the books I'd gotten in class, with helpful hints, and then I made myself a deli turkey sandwich, on whole grain toast spread with 1/2 tsp of fat free mayo and 1/2 tsp of this wonderful stuff called "Cranberry/horseradish sauce! This was all for a total of 4 points!

I felt full and happy, and then Hubby asked what I was making for dinner? He was standing holding a bag of frozen shrimp, so I've been planning out a Chinese Stir fry meal using that! Shrimp is a great low point protein source, and right now we're getting shrimp up here in New England at a cheap price. $6.99 a pound!

Then I stood at my kitchen counter planning menus for the next three days! It's all planned, and I don't have to stress about it. Best of all, these are things I like to eat, so I am really happy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back In The Saddle Again....

It's a funny thing. The first time you work the Weight Watchers program, you usually are psyched and do well. The plan is a fabulous one, and the only weight-loss plan I recommend. It's the maintenance part, that for me, has been a nightmare.

At first it was just a few pounds, then it was ten, fifteen, and today 30! 

I knew it was going to be bad. I can no longer fit into my size 12 clothing. The zipper on my pants can not close, even with the help of a pair of pliers! 

I stood, staring into the mirror this morning of myself in underwear and my bra. My heart sank. My body is chunky and jiggly and I am really miserable about this.

Now I could beat myself up about this, but I won't. Starting today, I am back to counting my points and getting my eating under control. I know I can do it!