Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jump Starting The New Year

I don't think people who are 'naturally thin' realize how difficult it really is to diet. I have a sister, who I swear cannot possibly be related to me, as she weighs like two pounds. She doesn't eat like crazy, in fact she is so over the top careful, that she is happy eating 5 M&M's, while I want the whole pounder bag.

I know we're told to eat and drink what we want within our point rang, but sometimes I feel like I just want to break out and go nuts!

I've been working so long to lose the weight and keep it off. I don't understand why, if you work so hard to get the pounds off, they just don't stay there?

Tonight I'm cooking a shrimp stir fry for our dinner. Trust me. Usually it's not this interesting. Tomorrow is chicken. I'm allowing myself 1 beef meal a week. 

I'm trying to start the New Year by jump starting my diet. How are you doing?

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I woke up this morning and while sipping my first coffee of the day, sat down to plan my day...food-wise. I knew I wanted a poached egg and English muffin for breakfast, planned a lettuce wedge salad for my lunch, and then asked Hubby what he wanted for dinner.

He looked at me oddly, and asked for the choices again. I gave him the deal. It's either steak, baked potatoes and squash or chicken "wings", oven fries, and fresh carrot sticks. Surprisingly, he chose the wings. I wrote everything down, and I still have 1 point left at the end of the day.

I'm hoping that I will have a good loss this week at class. I've tried hard, but it's quite difficult when you are out and stop to have lunch or dinner.

For instance, yesterday we went for Chinese food. I tried to make good choices, but it was hard. I had some seafood, Chinese vegetables, and did not have one of the breaded and fried foods that I used to love.

The diet Gods got me back for this indiscretion by giving me food poisoning! Man, was I sick! However, if they are really going to get me, then I will also gain this week at Wednesdays class.

Oh well, I will plan each day over the weekend and see what I can do to turn this around.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!