Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thoughts On A Cloudy Day

This was my horoscope today:

  1. ScorpioScorpio (10/23-11/21)

    Why are you in such a hurry right now? The goal you're working toward isn't going anywhere, and reaching it early isn't going to earn you any extra brownie points. Have you ever considered the fact that you have more to learn from the process of reaching your goal than from actually reaching it? You'll have to find another place to channel all of your high energy today. Hit the gym. Go dancing. Run around the block. Physical exercise will help you slow your roll.

And you know, it's right. The last week I have been rushing around thinking that if I just hurry up and work hard, I will somehow get to my goal by, say next week and my life will be perfect!

There is no perfect, is there? I wonder sometimes, why I lose sight of that. I've been going to meetings at WW now for almost two years. My first big goal was to be at my goal weight by the time I turned 50 last year. It didn't happen. I was one pound from goal. I think my body was trying to tell me to 'slow down' and 'be patient'. You would have thought I would have learned then that it isn't the actual number on the scale, but how you are working the program. After all, I'm in this for life, right?

Then I regained some weight while on Maintenance. After I got over the initial shock I sort of floundered. How do I get back on track? I knew how to get to goal, but Maintenance is hard!

It's all about choices. Choosing the right foods, the right portion size and moving my body! And for me, it's all about not putting myself under so much pressure. I didn't gain all this weight in a week and I certainly won't take it off in one week!

So, the journey continues. Day after day. Sometimes it's just meal after meal and during the real tough times, it's hour after hour. As long as you don't give up, there is still hope, still joy at the end of the day.



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